YOURDREAMPHOTO !10 - LAB STORY - Yourdreamphoto-Erica-Michael-76res.jpg



The Ginger Lab is a team of passionate film and hybrid photographers who love coffee, great music, our planet and editing. We do the editing and plant trees for every order while you shoot, grow your business, meet with clients and enjoy life.


The Ginger Lab was started in 2015 by San Francisco-based hybrid photographer Pavel T. When Pavel realized how much time he was spending editing his work – not shooting – he decided to create a lab that would help photographers like himself save time and get consistent results that would align well with their film work and style.

Editing was taking away almost all of my free time. I didn’t have time for marketing, meetings with prospective clients and even for my family. With the Ginger Lab that finally changed.
— Pavel Tereshkovets, Founder/CEO

With the Ginger Lab, it all comes down to simply sending your digitals along with your film scans and forgetting about it. Our team will do the rest!

Alicia Mink for the Ginger Lab.jpg



Being a hybrid photographer is challenging, and many hybrid shooters struggle with matching their digital work to their film scans.


is key to success when it comes to photography and we want photographers to concentrate on their business, shoot more and let us take care of their images.

Our team of professional photographers and editors works on your images and matches your digital images to your film photos while you sit back and enjoy your personal life.

We believe in simplicity and efficiency.

We've been there, and we know how much time it takes to prepare photos for your clients. You send your film to the lab and wait forever. When you finally get your scans back, you spend even more time matching your digital photos to the scans.

Now, you can just shoot your wedding, engagement, or family session, send us your scans along with the digital shots, and we’ll take care of the rest.


In 2024, we partnered with Tree Nation to support our planet and grow more trees, because we care deeply about our environment and want our children to live in a greener future. For every order we receive, we plant one tree. You can check out our reforestation progress here.

reforestation initiative




Please, meet the ones who are proudly serving you day-to-day :)