photo editing for wedding photographers

Getting out of The Scarcity Mindset

One of the most common complaints in the photography industry is that the market is over-saturated. You'll hear many laments, "There are at least twenty photographers in my town! It's almost impossible to book anything!" Have you ever shared these sentiments?

Having a scarcity mindset will negatively impact your life and how you run your business. The truth is enough jobs for every price point and style exist. If you view everyone as competition, you'll miss out on the fantastic community within the industry.

Today, we're here to challenge you to refresh your mindset. It's time to move past believing there's only one job for every fifty photographers. It's time to get out of a scarcity mentality and move to one of abundance. This new point of view might change your life!

Each photographer's max number of clients varies, and their ideal client is different than yours. You only need to find your twenty or so clients to have a stellar year's worth of work. Some photographers even limit their bookings to ten weddings, while the US averages 2.4 million weddings in 365 days.

Some photographers will choose a different profession after a few years even though they're at the top of their game, while others will do photography until retirement. New photographers will enter the field while established ones leave. It's an ever-evolving career landscape, which means there's room and a place for everyone.

Having a scarcity mentality can lead to feelings of desperation, and that's never a good place to be. It's hard to operate at your best and make wise business decisions if you're experiencing a sense of panic.

Remember that someone else's success does not take away from your own. With social media, it's easy to be distracted and disheartened when you see your peers booking incredible jobs, but trust that what's intended for you will find you. The comparison game will get you nowhere, so focus on what you have already accomplished and how far you've come. Your moment will come.

Keep putting in the hard work and creating imagery that makes your soul happy. The world is full of countless opportunities and doors that could open if you only knock.