
Preparing for Next Year

The approach of a new year is an exciting time. Filled with all the hopes and dreams of the days to come, it can also be a little overwhelming when it comes to knowing how to prepare. "Chance favors the prepared mind," so today, we're sharing our best advice on preparing for next year to help you have a happy + strong start!

Set goals and plan out the steps to achieve them. You can't accomplish a goal without first knowing what actions to take. Before this year closes, decide which steps you can take now to move closer to your goals. Start building the momentum and get that ball rolling in advance.

Reflect on what worked and what didn't. Did attending a retreat broaden your network and create connections that have led to partnerships? Did a particular marketing campaign fall short of expectations? This year alone, there have probably been dozens of experiences that offered insights into what areas you're excelling in and where you could improve. Take time to reflect and study the lessons you've learned.

Check-in with yourself. The winter is a great time to rest and recover from the intense wedding season. If the pace you were running at this past year isn't how you want to continue, it's vital to be honest with yourself for your overall well-being. Burnout does not lead to longevity.

Share engaging and incredible content to get you in front of your ideal clients during engagement season. Most likely, you're sitting on tons of amazing photos from summer and fall weddings. Engagement season is the prime time to post and ensure newly engaged couples see your work. Create reels, be active on stories, and post gorgeous photos. Don't forget to tag all the vendors to grow your reach!

Update pricing guides, portfolio, and website. Now is the time to refresh your collection information, website copy, and other essential elements that deal with booking clients and inquiries! If you've started implementing new offerings, make sure they're known. 

Celebrate this year's wins. It's easy to get so focused on achieving the next thing on the list that you don't take the time to rejoice and applaud yourself for the goals you have reached. The place you dreamed about being years ago is where you are now. Recognize where your continued hard work has brought you, and pop some champagne! 

Every year is full of highs and lows, and it's incredible how much can happen in a single year. Even if you didn't accomplish everything you hoped for this year, know that you're closer than ever. You never know if your best year yet could be right around the corner. We're sending you all the good vibes as this year ends and can't wait to continue to support you in the next one!

How do you prepare for a new year?

Creating Opportunities

Opportunities rarely drop onto our lap. They usually come after a series of steps we first had to take before reaching their threshold. Their beginnings may appear humble and small, but embrace each one you can get and see where you can take them.

If you want to be pursued by new opportunities, you have to be proactive and intentional. You can't just wait for them to come to you. Create and nurture relationships, do your research, and always put yourself out there.

The fantastic thing about opportunities is they're often a snowball effect. Once you have the ball rolling, momentum helps to keep it going. Every opportunity is a catalyst to something greater, so give each one your all and truly make the most of it. 

The potential to create an opportunity is everywhere. You'll never regret trying, but you could regret missing your window. It can be wearisome when it feels like nothing is working out or coming together but don't lose heart. Keep knocking on those doors! It may take a lot of hard work and patience before it comes to fruition.

Just as a plant starts with a seed, so does an opportunity. A tiny seed of action you planted a season ago could blossom into a dream chance. A connection you established and didn't think would ever go anywhere could eventually take off. Continue nurturing your seeds and watch your harvest grow.

It's not by luck, chance, or magic that incredible opportunities come to be. Hard work, ingenuity, and persistence usher them in. You're capable of accomplishing your goals and making your dreams come true. Why wait for an opportunity to come by when you can go out and make one?

When the opportunity finally comes, don't doubt yourself. It's your moment to utilize all of your talents and expertise that led you there in the first place. It'll be the long-awaited moment you've been wishing for and working toward for years. Be fully present and take the time to enjoy it and reflect. 

The life-changing, career-elevating opportunities are the ones we look for, but there are hundreds of other opportunities we might miss by only focusing on those. There are always opportunities to build relationships, learn, grow, inspire others, and spread kindness.

What's an opportunity that's changed your career?

Risk & Reward

Rejection and failure are a risk, but so is doing nothing. With every success, you must first take the risk of uncertainty. Some dreams require you to take a chance before they can become a reality. Risks often reap a reward. 

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill

It's astonishing how many more risks we would take if we weren't afraid. Playing not to lose isn't the same as playing to win. It's necessary to know the risks involved with a new venture, but it's equally important to understand what not taking the chance could cost you.

Is the business idea in your head that you're scared to execute the doorway to the lifestyle of your dreams? Do you try to push it to the back of your mind, but you can't stop thinking about what it could mean for your life and business? Can you accept your lifestyle conditions if you never take the risk?

Perceive the risks from all angles. How would defeat in this endeavor look? Monetary loss or "wasted" time? How would success look? Thriving instead of merely surviving? Is the reward greater than the risks?

If you can handle the risk of failure, you're already a step closer to the reward. Sometimes we give fear of the unknown more power than it actually holds. We tend to act like it's this severe thunderstorm looming overhead, but it's only a gray cloud with a chance of rain. It's only as intimidating and scary as you make it.

Even the word "risk" can make some nervous. Thinking about everything you have to lose can keep you from making that leap. But don't let it overshadow everything you have to gain. There's always a chance it won't work out, but there's always a chance it will.

Let both risks and rewards teach you their lessons. Calculating risks can help you reevaluate your priorities. Taking risks cultivates resilience and perseverance. Risk shows us what we're prepared to lose in pursuit of reward. 

Take risks and grow from failures. Take risks and inspire others by what is possible to achieve. Whatever you do, don't sit on the sidelines of your life. It's never too late to start something new or change your life's direction.

If success was a guarantee, how many more chances would you take? 

Making Business Moves

Whether it's raising your prices, niching down, or deciding it's time for a rebrand, making your next business move is exciting but scary. You never know which step could be your breakthrough! Always check with yourself that every move you make gets you closer to your end goals and aligns with your vision for your life. Motivation and commitment are slow to come when you're not 100% passionate about what you're doing.

There are hundreds of great business moves to be made, but just because it's great doesn't mean it's good for you. Know your priorities and know the why behind your decisions in business. Intentionality fuels every step with purpose.

Figuring out your next move can feel like navigating a ship without a map. How do you arrive at your desired destination without knowing which course to take? Think about the big picture and where you see yourself in the next few years. What steps can you take to get you from where you are now to where you want to be? Build the metaphorical bridge so you can cross that chasm!

Actionable, consistent steps, however small, will be what pushes the needle forward. Do you want to expand your brand into education? Take on more weddings through an associate team? Book international destination weddings? Each ambition has a pathway to make it possible. 

Time is precious, so be sure you're pouring your energy and efforts into what matters to you. You may find you're using up your resources in areas where your ROI is lowest or in places that don't fully serve your mission.

Understand the outcome of the move you plan to make. Recognize its meaning to you and what importance it holds for your business. Change can bring fear and uncertainty, but on the other side, your best life yet may just be waiting! Push through the doubt and remember that you're not alone. Believe that your hard work and patience will pay off eventually.

Being a business owner is not stagnant. With every decision, you'll gain experience and wisdom that will lead to growth. Each business move's results may vary, but as long as you maintain a positive attitude and persevering heart, you'll win every time.