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Better Getting Ready Photos

The getting ready portion of a wedding day can be one of the most stunning parts to capture. Yards of gorgeous fabrics and stylish details make the perfect eye candy! You may believe you can only create gorgeous photos in a beautiful room, so we're dishing out all the tips to equip you to create magic anywhere.

As these photos are often a priority, today, we're talking about how you can make them even better in any situation. Sit back and grab your coffee because you're not going to want to miss this one!

Tight, small rooms can be a common problem, so invest in a 35mm lens when you need a wider angle or those full-body frames. As portrait photographers, it's easy to forget to take horizontal images throughout the day, so mix it up and play with composition in a different orientation.

If the space allows, bring a backdrop and stand for studio-style portraits. It's a trend we've noticed in celebrity weddings (most notably Paris Hilton), and we are here for it! There are limitless backdrop options, so you have a huge variety at your fingertips for every style. You could even set up in a shady area outside for optimum light!

A neutral, empty wall can be a lifesaver. Place your subject against it, and it's perfect for grabbing closeups of buttoning the gown, putting on the earrings, and adjusting the cuff links and tie. Do be mindful of extreme shadows and bring a reflector to minimize them!

Don't be afraid to rearrange the room or move to another one. Be proactive and take the extra couple of minutes necessary to do whatever it takes to create a cover-worthy shot. In the end, you'll be thankful you did when you see the results! Sometimes, it may be moving a table or taking a photo off the wall. It's the little things that make a big difference.

Show up early, even if it's on your own time. Some couples opt for coverage to start right as the bride gets into her gown, but if you feel arriving earlier is beneficial, it's certainly worth it. Consider how it would add to the final gallery and if it's a wedding you'd love to share with potential clients or if it's at a venue where you want to become a preferred vendor.

Don't forget about the groom! Groom portraits and getting ready shots sometimes seem like an afterthought, so step up your game and make his photos stellar too. It's an element that can set your work apart and be an incredible addition to the full gallery. If you need inspiration, look at GQ!

Longevity & Sustainability

You can only burn the candle at both ends for so long, so you need a sustainable and profitable business model for longevity. Even those who thrive on a packed schedule will eventually need a change of pace if they're in it for the long run.

Loving your job as a photographer is a blessing but comes with downsides. It's often difficult to separate work from your personal life when they're so closely connected. No matter how much you enjoy your profession, working more than you live is not a routine you'd want to keep forever.

A sustainable business model will ensure your business can consistently thrive without interfering with your personal life. A 24/7 working window is not sustainable and will only lead to burnout. Seasons of constant hustling are inevitable but not meant to be maintained. Figure out a system you can be excited about to live with long-term for longevity. 

Running yourself ragged could sacrifice your health and force you to take a step back anyway. Before you even reach that point, be aware of when you need rest and pay attention to signs of burnout. Study your business model and notice what areas give you life or leave you drained.

The ultimate goal is to make more income while working less. Can you increase your prices? How can you diversify your income? Can you build a team to lighten your load? If you feel you're always working, do you need to set boundaries between business hours and off time?

There are moments when it can be beyond tempting to throw in the towel. You wonder how much longer you can go on at this nonstop pace. But when you have an efficient workflow that saves time and enables you the freedom to live the life you want, you'll never wonder why this is the career you chose.

Longevity and sustainability are a necessity if you want to hit the double-digit years of being in business. Envision your dream work/life balance, then implement whatever changes are needed to make it a reality. As CEO, you have the authority to change anything you don't like about your workflow model or workplace environment. You are capable of having the business of your dreams!


It's so exciting when you have the chance to meet vendors you've been dreaming of working with and have the prospect of creating a connection. Networking is a beautiful part of the industry, and working alongside friends makes jobs even more fun.

Fostering work relationships into friendships will not only bring in referrals but makes the industry less of a lonely place. Having friends who can relate to your work experiences and who you can talk shop with is invaluable.

Today, we're sharing four keys to networking to help you create connections and nurture those vendor relationships into lasting friendships. Let's dive in!

1. Put yourself out there. Don't be afraid to send a kind word and interact with someone you'd love to work with on Instagram. If someone you're following will be visiting your area and you think it'd be fun to connect, offer to take them to dinner or show them around a bit. If you're traveling and you have someone in mind you'd like to meet, send them a message to see if they're available for coffee. 

Having the right connection can open doors qualifications never could, so initiate the conversation, and you never know what incredible things could happen.

2. Remember community over competition. Photographers need photographers too! Don't limit your networking to vendors who aren't photographers. Having friends who are also photographers can help and be a blessing in countless ways. When you second shoot or associate for friends, it's the perfect reminder that their success also means your success. There's room for everyone to thrive.

3. Find your tribe. Have a base of friends you can connect with regularly, whether in person or via FaceTime or messaging. It means the world to have peers who can offer feedback, encouragement, and support. Knowing you have friends in the industry who have your back and believe in you is an immense treasure.

4. Create a referral network. Once you've established your tribe, assemble a list of favorite vendors to recommend to clients. Your friends will be thrilled to hear they gained a client from your word of mouth and may return the favor. It's important to have relationships with vendors in your pricing market so you can share clients and gradually level up together.

We hope this article empowers you to go out and network! This industry is full of so many amazing people, so we challenge you to DM or email three new people who share your vibe!