film wedding photos

For the Love of Film

For decades, film photography was all that was available. From 1913 to 1986, film was the industry standard for photographers worldwide.

Jump forward nearly 4 decades, and the options for photographers is endless. From the workhorse DSLRs to the latest and greatest mirrorless options, one would think that film is going to the wayside. And if you ask some, it may be yet. However, there are photographers across the globe working to keep film not only alive, but also relevant within the vast options of mediums available today.

From the one and done Kodak disposables that we all know, to the popular beginner SLRs such as the Canon AE-1 or Pentax K1000, all the way to the big guns like the Contax 645 - while film cameras may be no longer made, the options of ways to shoot film has not yet disappeared.

But many of us didn’t get the privilege of beginning our photography journeys with film - most of today’s modern shooters began on DSLR’s or point and shoot cameras. Working in reverse almost, to emulate our own styles to that of a revived but still small group of film photographers. Because let’s face it - there is something absolutely unmistakable about the magic of film imagery.

All of that said - learning a lost art can be a daunting task, and one of the first questions many new film shooters ask is regarding film stocks. Let’s take a look at a few various film stocks - from the warm, familiar Kodak tones to the brilliant cool tones of Fuji! Here at The Ginger Lab, your images can not only be edited to emulate film, but can be matched to your film scans too. So if you see something you love, don’t be afraid to try out a new film stock, ask for a specific look in your edits, or even begin your own film journey - the options are endless, the journey is yours.

So, for the love of film, don’t let the thought of film be too daunting for you.

Below are examples of Kodak Portra 400.

Below are examples of Fuji 400H.


It's so exciting when you have the chance to meet vendors you've been dreaming of working with and have the prospect of creating a connection. Networking is a beautiful part of the industry, and working alongside friends makes jobs even more fun.

Fostering work relationships into friendships will not only bring in referrals but makes the industry less of a lonely place. Having friends who can relate to your work experiences and who you can talk shop with is invaluable.

Today, we're sharing four keys to networking to help you create connections and nurture those vendor relationships into lasting friendships. Let's dive in!

1. Put yourself out there. Don't be afraid to send a kind word and interact with someone you'd love to work with on Instagram. If someone you're following will be visiting your area and you think it'd be fun to connect, offer to take them to dinner or show them around a bit. If you're traveling and you have someone in mind you'd like to meet, send them a message to see if they're available for coffee. 

Having the right connection can open doors qualifications never could, so initiate the conversation, and you never know what incredible things could happen.

2. Remember community over competition. Photographers need photographers too! Don't limit your networking to vendors who aren't photographers. Having friends who are also photographers can help and be a blessing in countless ways. When you second shoot or associate for friends, it's the perfect reminder that their success also means your success. There's room for everyone to thrive.

3. Find your tribe. Have a base of friends you can connect with regularly, whether in person or via FaceTime or messaging. It means the world to have peers who can offer feedback, encouragement, and support. Knowing you have friends in the industry who have your back and believe in you is an immense treasure.

4. Create a referral network. Once you've established your tribe, assemble a list of favorite vendors to recommend to clients. Your friends will be thrilled to hear they gained a client from your word of mouth and may return the favor. It's important to have relationships with vendors in your pricing market so you can share clients and gradually level up together.

We hope this article empowers you to go out and network! This industry is full of so many amazing people, so we challenge you to DM or email three new people who share your vibe!